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Chemical Science author guidelines and information

2024-06-16 22:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

A Perspective should report a balanced account of the selected research field. If the author is focussing on their own research contribution to the field, then a balanced discussion of related work should be included to set the authors’ contribution within a wider context. Perspectives should be selective, focusing on the key developments that have shaped the topic, rather than comprehensive reviews of the literature. Authors are encouraged to summarise important findings instead of re-iterating details already available in the primary work and should provide summary figures instead of multiple figures from original manuscripts, where appropriate.

We encourage authors of Perspective articles to include personal biographies that will be placed at the start of the manuscript. This should give an overview of the author’s research career so far, their chosen area(s) of research and future goals. It is expected that this will be no more than 200 words in length and a photograph should also be included. A ‘Future outlook’ section should also be included at the end of the manuscript to provide  a personal view of how the field will develop over the next 5-10 years and how the authors see their own research contributing to this.

Perspectives are normally published by invitation of the Chemical Science Editorial Board. However, suggestions from authors are welcome and enquiries should be directed to the editorial office. Contributions by early career researchers are particularly welcome.

To help the editorial office judge the suitability of a proposed Review or Perspective for the journal, authors may be asked to submit a synopsis. The aim is not to provide an extra burden for the author, but to ensure the article will appeal to the journal's broad readership.

Acceptance of the synopsis by the editorial office does not guarantee publication of the final manuscript. Synopses should include the following.

a paragraph explaining the current importance of the field, its implications for the wider scientific community, and the communities of readers who will find the article of interest a structured outline of the review, giving section headings and expanding on each of these a selection of representative references to indicate its breadth and timeliness.

All Reviews and Perspectives undergo a rigorous and full peer review procedure, in the same way as regular research articles.

Articles submitted to Chemical Science that are too specialised for the general chemistry audience should be directed to the appropriate RSC specialist title.

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